Guarantee arranged | STO Garant

The combination of travel services offered to you constitutes a travel package within the meaning of the Package Travel Directive (EU) 2015/2302 [if a travel package is involved]. This means that you are entitled to make claims under all EU legislation applying to travel packages.

In order to meet its statutory obligation to provide a guarantee, Zeilschepenverhuur Stofbergen uses STO Garant for all travel packages. STO Garant is a recognised guarantee scheme. It consists of an escrow account in which your payment is held until your trip has come to an end. As the traveller, you do not pay Zeilschepenverhuur Stofbergen but instead pay the booking sum into the escrow account belonging to Stichting Derdengelden Certo Escrow, a payment service provider registered with the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) and the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). Stichting Derdengelden Certo Escrow processes all payments on behalf of STO Garant.

The booking payment is released to Zeilschepenverhuur Stofbergen by the escrow account the day after your trip has come to an end. If Zeilschepenverhuur Stofbergen files for bankruptcy or is granted a suspension of payments before your trip comes to an end, the booking sum will be released to Stichting Take Over (STO). Depending on the situation, STO will then ensure that the booking sum is refunded to you, that you are able to continue on your trip, or that you are able to travel to the final destination on your journey.
Zeilschepenverhuur Stofbergen has therefore protected itself against insolvency through STO Garant. If services are not provided by Zeilschepenverhuur Stofbergen due to insolvency, travellers can contact STO Garant, which has its offices at Torenallee 20, 5617 BC Eindhoven, Netherlands, by sending an email to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. or by calling +31 (0)85 13 02 943.


You will receive an email from STO Garant (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.) containing information about how you can pay for your booking. The full booking sum must be paid into the escrow account before the trip commences. This applies to all bookings.

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